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Dairy Free Chocolate Mix Ins

So you have food allergies, or your kids do and you can't buy all of those exciting chocolates that are available that everyone is trying?!

There are heaps of easy ways to make your own flavours. All you need is a safe chocolate to melt and some lollies or other treats to mix in to get the flavours you like.

Dairy Free Chocolate Mix Ins - Happy Tummies

I used one pack of Sweet Williams Dark Baking Buttons to make all of these treats. I like this chocolate because it's soy free (has a trace warning though for those that are sensitive) and even though it's dark, it's quite sweet still so my kids like it. There are heaps of other chocolates suitable for melting in our dairy free chocolate section here

We've had quite a few wet days here in Perth and a 4 day COVID lockdown with ongoing strict restrictions. My original plan was to by a chocolate mould that makes actual bars and show you that, however I wasn't able to find one but I wanted you to see that they are available and you can buy them at Spotlight. You can find them here.

When you're melting chocolate, I recommend that you only use chocolate moulds - either silicone or plastic as normal ice cube trays don't work properly and you won't get the lovely glossy finish that you're after - trust me I have tried many times and been disappointed!

So to keep my kids happy these holidays we made:

Dairy Free Chocolate Mix Ins - Happy Tummies

It actually only took a few minutes and the kids had heaps of fun making it and eating it!

Enjoy! Lisa x