Gluten Free Quiche

Dinner doesn't have to be hard, in fact I rarely make a dinner that takes a long time..... I just don't have the time to spare - like you I bet!

Until recently quiche was something I didn't make often because it just took too much time to make it for everyone. I was making a spelt and butter pastry for everyone except Alex, he needed a wheat and dairy free pastry. That meant making two types of pastry and that was time consuming.

Out of desperation last week I decided to just skip the pastry and whack it all in a dish. I didn't even use a quiche dish. My little kids (hubby included there ;-) ) don't like it with silverbeet, but the more mature members of my family do (that's Elena and I haha). I usually make one with and without silverbeet, but this night I just used a large glass baking dish and chucked the plain half at one end and the silverbeet at the other and it worked out fine.

I'm sorry if you've looking at this and egg isn't safe in your house :( It wasn't in my house either but we can now eat baked and cooked egg, so I try to include it as much as possible!

Gluten Free Quiche - Happy Tummies

Gluten Free Quiche Recipe: Crustless

Gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, soy free, nut free


1 medium brown onion, finely diced
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
150g bacon, diced
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp vegetable stock if you make it (or as much as you like - just season as you like if not)
1 bunch of really well washed silverbeet (optional - leave this out for fussy kids and husbands ;) )
5 eggs
100g Bio Cheese Cheddar
100mls of milk (any type - I used oat milk but that's not gluten free)


  • Wash silverbeet really well and then steam until wilted down
  • Once cool enough, squeeze out excess water from silverbeet
  • Heat oven to 180°C
  • Grease a quiche dish (or whatever you have)
  • Melt coconut oil in a large frying pan
  • Add diced onion, bacon and garlic to the pan and saute until lightly browned and leave to cool slightly - I also add the stock paste just as I'm finishing off cooking this and mix it through
  • Whisk together eggs, milk and grated cheese
  • Spread the bacon and onion mixture evenly over the base of your quiche dish (and silverbeet if using) and pour over evenly the egg, cheese and milk mixture
  • Bake in in the oven for approximately 40 minutes until cooked through and lightly brown on top
  • Remove from oven and let the quiche rest for approx. 10 minutes before eating

​Tip: Great served with a salad or hot steamed vegetables. Quiche is great for leftovers and lunchboxes the next day so make sure you cook extra! I double this recipe and make one without silverbeet and one with. We sometimes even eat it for breakfast :)

 Recipe From - Copyright 2016 Happy Tummies

Enjoy!! Lisa x