Gluten Free Pancakes

Next Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday when pancakes feature on the menu at our house. We tend to eat gluten free pancakes once a week or so in our house anyway. Alex for some reason won't eat them anymore but my girls love them!

Pancakes are a great breakfast, yummy morning or afternoon tea and a perfect dessert, especially when you have lots of people. Just whip them up, no fancy ingredients required and everyone can choose a topping they love. Left overs (if you have any!) are great in lunch boxes too.

Here’s my recipe that I make when I need a recipe that is safe for almost everyone. It’s gluten free, dairy free, egg free, nut free, soy free, corn free and rice free – perfect for families who have multiple allergies to consider.

Gluten Free Pancakes - Happy Tummies

Gluten Free Pancakes Recipe


100gsorghum flour
40g arrowroot starch
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp rapadura sugar (or sugar of preference)
185mls dairy free milk of choice
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla extract


  • Mix it all together and let it sit for a few minutes to thicken up (I mix it in my Thermomix but you can do it in a food processor or by hand)
  • Make into pancakes as usual – makes about 6

My kids also like some fruit in their pancakes or chocolate chips. We use
Enjoy Life choc chips because they are free of dairy and soy. If you don’t have any sorghum flour you can substitute the sorghum, arrowroot and baking powder for 1 cup of self raising gluten free flour.

 Recipe From - Copyright 2015 Happy Tummies


With so many of you having different dietary requirements I've also compiled a list of pancake recipes so that everyone can find something that suits them and be prepared for next Tuesday. There are HEAPS of recipes around so I picked some local gals I love and featured their recipes.

Quirky Cooking’s Paleo Pancakes – Gluten, grain, dairy, nut and soy free.

Quirky Cooking’s Blender-Batter Brown Rice Waffles or Pancakes - Gluten, dairy and soy free.

Quirky Cooking’s Quick and Easy Pancakes – Gluten, dairy and soy free (with an egg free option).

Alexx Stuart’s Powerhouse Coconut Pancakes – Gluten, grain and soy free (can be dairy free).

Natural New Age Mum’s Healthiest Pancakes Ever – Dairy and soy free (can be gluten free).

If you're not inclined to make your own pancakes from scratch we have a whole pancake section and you can have a lookhere. I really like the one made by Bodhis Bakehouse that you only need to add water to. Even when my son had more dietary restrictions than he has now he could have this one. It's particularly handy when traveling for an easy breakfast. You can take a look at ithere. They’re not great at a later date though – eat these pancakes while they’re hot and they’re awesome!

Enjoy. Lisa x